The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Had a really lovely day today. An early run and breakfast, then an hour of hard training and a second breakfast. A coffee with a friend and a walk in the driving rain on the common with the girls...who appear immune to rain and wind and ran around like nutters. Fab fun. And we actually saw snow too!

Home for lunch and a natter to you on FaceTime and then I had planned to try out a technique to photograph droplets on leaves. Didn't work. Well, the droplets worked but the photos were rubbish. Think I'm better sticking to au naturelle at the moment! Also wanted to try a bit of photoshop but never quite got around to it. Oh well, maybe next weekend! This was just a quick shot of one of our wedding flowers...can't believe they are still going strong three years later...especially when I don't think I have ever watered them!!

Now it's the ironing, dinner, catch up with Mum and an early bed.
Happy Sunday...x

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