Grumpy Old Git

By GrumpyOldGit

My just dessert

Today was dull, cold, wet and windy when I woke and has not improved since, unless rain turning to sleet is an improvement. Not much chance of a worthwhile Blip outside, so, what to take inside?

This morning my granddaughter visited for some tuition, we covered basic trigonometry, applying it to some real world examples, but we could not do anything outside, then we covered some bits of her chemistry syllabus, that needed reinforcing, before finishing by relating some parts of the trigonometry to her electronic design project; quite hard work for both of us, but very enjoyable. She returned home at about 1530, so no Blip in this time period as nothing that we did would make even a reasonable picture.

At about 1700, I went into the kitchen to see hoe Susan was progressing with dinner, my blip awaited me! Susan was still cooking dinner, but my dessert sat there upon the working surface and I decided to share it; sorry you can only see, but not taste!

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