A small extension

A few weeks ago I received planning details from the local council saying that there would be a conversaion from the shop and flat upstairs which would comprise of a 2 story and one story extension- erm I never expected half the road to be unsuable and half the existing house to be demolished - still it could be worse I could live next door to the shop. Yep I know its a skew pic but its raining so hard this is the one and only pic I've taken.

Hmmm talking about councils I'm annoyed back in January I had a letter saying D was no longer a student blah blah so I wrote back saying he'd returrned to India etc and then I had a new 2011/12 payment summary saying that the were going to take £166 fom my account on the1st March - at thetime I decided its crossed with my letter but nope they haev chosen to ignore my letetr and taken the money. So many people in the UK tell lies about their living arrangements so that tehy can keep their 25% discount and yet its me who is currently living on my own who gets hit for extra charges *sigh*

I thin Apache's going a tad loopy he's been out in the rain twice and came in soaking usually he won't put a foot out the door when there is even a chance of rain - I have decided cats are just plain strange.

Oh well off to do some ironing then I'll be back later to catch up on comments.

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