Comfort food day
Really vile weather today, we have even had snow here in the Royal County.
Braved the elements to take a load of stuff back for refund; town was even more miserable in the rain, with sodden shoppers scurrying along.
Having a serious "Grumpy Old Woman" moment in the shops at the price of birthday cards in Smiths, I fell upon a whole point of sale fixture of Easter choccies, which looked like a little ray of sunshine in the gloom. I must confess that I used to be a real creme egg addict when much younger, but I spent a year studying at a French university and had massive withdrawal symptoms as in ye olde days, they weren't available in France. I got sent and brought such vast emergency supplies of the said eggs by friends and family, that I even now can't face eating too many!
By the way, Smiths is a shop I abhor; as an ex retailer, I find its layout and whole atmosphere utterly offputting. Checkout Mary Portas on Twitter for her amusing Quiz of the Week, of appalling shop layouts...Smiths was one of the first ones!
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