The Wren

By TheWren

Just buzzin'

What a beautiful day today. Sun shining, blue sky and warm enough for simply a fleece again!

I decided on an earlyish walk with the dogs as the garden beckoned. Despite the warmth I noticed that during the night another layer of snow had fallen on the hills over 3,000' and tried to take some photos of them. Unfortunately the bank of cloud immediately above the snow made a distance shot pretty ineffectual. However, when I returned home I noticed that the heather bed blipped here was literally a hive of activity with honey bees everywhere. They moved so quickly from one heather flower to another that I simply had to point, shoot and hope. I found it very difficult to choose which to post but eventually decided on this one as I loved the transparent wings and you can also see that not only is his body covered in pollen, but his left hind leg has a big lump of pollen around it. Someone somewhere should have made a good start on heather honey today.

This is worth viewing in large.

In the garden, I managed to prune an apple tree and make a start on tidying the greenhouse ready for action.

On behalf of Bruce thank you all so much for your fun comments, stars and hearts yesterday. We made it to the Spotlight which was great fun, but more importantly he was thrilled that so many of you thought he was too gorgeous to be angry with!

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