Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Another bad night - Henry decided that he was only going to sleep in 40 minute blocks so I was absolutely exhausted this morning!

Sunday is swimming day and Henry seemed to really enjoy his lesson. He's just figured out how to splash and kick (which makes bathtime very wet for Neil and I!) and it was the first time he's done that during swimming. He also went underwater quite a bit, including being pushed along underwater and then let go of - and he "swam" about a metre! Terrifying to watch but he didn't seem too bothered.

We went bowling this afternoon for Luke's 30th birthday, Henry was massively overstimulated by all the noise and lights so I ended up bouncing him around in the sling until he fell asleep, so Neil did most of my bowling for me! Since my highest ever score before today was 32 I didn't mind too much - I think I came 3rd or 4th in the end!

Today's blip is Henry splashing in the bath - possibly his favourite part of the day!

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