Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

My boy on a Sunday

We were up far too early for a Sunday morning. The mini pinks were awake before the birds I think! I managed to half sleep/half awake my way through another hour in bed but then gave in when Miss Pink started using me as a boat!

Master Pink came to church with me and went to Sunday school. He's made a new little friend, in a grown up buddy type way. The little boy is new to Sunday school and is just three and a half. I'm so proud of how he has taken him under his wing, and looks out for him.

After church we went home, and we decided that on a drizzly cold Sunday we needed a roast dinner. So between us we managed to assemble one, and although a bit late in the afternoon, everyone really enjoyed it. It did mean that by the time we'd all finished and put away it was quite late in the day for going out and about. The weather was pretty rubbish, so we ended up having a lego building/games playing/story book reading/snuggling afternoon. Actually I really enjoyed it.

My Blip is Master Pink playing on my iphone. He hasn't been allowed to play on my phone for a while, and the deal was he could only go on it when he'd earnt 15 marbles in his marble jar. Today he reached the golden 15, so was rewarded with 30 minutes of game play.

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