Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

Update about my sennie

Mickey weighted 138-140 grams last night and this morning she lost a bit of weight: 134 grams. But the avian vets from the University hospital Utrecht (who were there for me the WHOLE weekend!!) already told me that. She still won't eat by herself. Have to give her meds twice per day and now I try to give her handfeeding formula at the same time, so twice per day (2 cc). I have to hold her tight to give it to her. Oh some of you asked me if I can handfeed? Yes.. I can. I only can't tube feed. But handfeeding a baby who is hungry is peanuts... but handfeeding a birdy who just won't eat, it is drama. I can tell you that! But... with blood, sweat and tears she takes it.

Sometimes she eats a bit from everything I give to her (fruit, bread, pasta, rice, nuts, etc).. but than mostly she immediately let if fall on the floor and now and than takes a little nap and than also stops.

To make a short story short. Per tomorrow I will stop giving her the meds against cushings. the vets agreed doing that.. because that can have effect on her apetite (of course, because one of the problems with the cushing was, Mickey being very very hungry).

I have to keep a VERY good eye on her weight (in the morning ánd in the evening) and if it will change drastically than she has to go back to the clinic... so I try to be positive, but it is hard....

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