Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Them Boots......


Boy an I angry. You can't trust people in authority, especially in the health sector. I mean for goodness sake it's enough to make me want to tear my soft coated hair out. The stuff that The Boss hasn't already torn out with his wire brush. Well anyway?
The Boss rang up The Vet this morning to inquire about my shots.
The Vet Lady checked and said no problem he is fine.
The Boss said "That's not right"
The Vet Lady said " Yes it is he is fine"
The Boss said "He's a GIRL"

And so another medical misadventure is born.
Oh the picture. Well them boots are made for walking and it's Monday so off we went into the wilds of the Matukituki Valley. The Boss on the bottom left and MY FRIEND GRANT then MY FRIEND PETER ( of the knee bandages) still on the left. Grant likes Horses but I bark at Horses don't I but he hasn't got one at present so that's OK I guess.

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