
By BowenFoto


Today's theme was logisitcs. Mrs S took the car to her skiing lesson first thing, so I had to take take F, M and HTB on the bus. F was meeting her ski group at the bottom of the mountain and M meeting hers at the top an hour later.

Mrs S took HTB home in the car - a fairly pointless trip for him had it not been for the fun of sailing on the SeaBus and sliding in the snow that remains at the bottom of the mountain. He also enjoyed being downtown and was thrilled to see the trains form the overpass to the SeaBus quay. He doesn't go downtown very often.

Then I had to arrange to meet F and M at the top of the mountain to take the two buses and a SeaBus home. I hope I have made it sound as exhausting as it was .

However, in between all the logistics, I managed a couple of hours' skiing, progressing to blue runs this week.

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