Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

It's in the detail

I popped into Shrewsbury today to go to the opticians and to get a few bits and bobs. As I was waiting for the Park and Ride bus, I took a few photos of the Tudor buildings opposite. It's amazing what you miss when you're going about your daily life, when you stop and look up the detailing on the buildings is amazing. There were lots of interesting things to see and I'll take my camera next time I go into town too so that I can share some of the other beautiful buildings with you. It's a shame that modern buildings don't have this amount of detail in them.

The weather has been beautiful today but very cold. I've developed a chesty cough during the night and I feel a bit achey so I hope I'm not coming down with anything worse. I'm going to stay tucked up in the warm with the heating on for the rest of today!

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