All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Goldilocks and the 3 bears ...

.... eating their porridge ... only Goldilocks didn't want her photo taken cos she hadn't done her hair or make-up haha!

Ethan had breakfast with Fin & Thomas this morning, before I took him off to nursery at 8.30am (just in time for his breakfast there too)! I then came back home to spend another hour with Paula and the boys, before they started on their drive home to Leeds. Have really enjoyed having them here.

I had planned to do tons of housework today. However, just before lunchtime, my front door opened and Foreveryoung walked in! Eden was in nursery today and we ended up spending the next 4 hours or so chatting and doing not very much at all (although I did manage a wee tad of ironing). Ah well - strange though it was to have neither Eden nor Ethan around, it was good to have a good blether with my sister!

I picked Ethan up just after 4pm, which is an hour earlier than usual. They said he hadn't been himself this morning (which I knew and I'd left calpol with them in case he needed it) but he'd eaten all his lunch, had a big nap, and perked up after that. We quickly nipped round Sainsbury's, then I took him to the playpark for half an hour, before home for dinner. He has asked for "Thomas & Finley" a few times this evening - bless!

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