In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Books from boxes

I hiv blipped this building yonks ago, bit fae the ither side, and fan it wis still under construction.
This gless box is fu' o' books, as it is new library belonging tae Aiberdeen University, but is open to the public inna.
We hiv bin meaning tae ging doon and hae a gander aroond for a whilie noo, and the day we finally made it. Sadly though because we didnae hae ony photo i.d. wit'us, so we couldna get in. Ah weel, let us go and see the new uni. museum.
Nope, it was closed 10 minutes afore we got there.
Since we were getting caul we made oor wye up to Staples as June winted somw new box files, and got some as weel as a new scanner come printer, A3 size, which I hid bin thinking' aboot fir a wee while , an' since its is affa cheap, in price, nae quality mind: so couldna resist it.
So, ony wye, 'is is a' written in Scots, an I am nae gaun tae translate it.
It will gee ye somin tae dee whilst workin' oot fit I am saying.

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