Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt


This is one of my lazier blips - taken just before I'm about to go to bed. I feel pretty cream crackered even though I wasn't up very early this morning. Another day of uni work and a late-ish night in the uni. When me and Hannah got home though Nat made us dinner and helped sort the audio for my video diary. She may have earned housemate of the week award I think.

Also, today is the day I passed shorthand :) Now I never have to do it again if I don't want to. It's definitely a weight off of my shoulders.

Tomorrow I really need to find my camera charger. Feeling pretty lost without my camera and completely confused as to where it has gone. Really want to have a working camera for my birthday next week - everyone should be able to document their 21st really.

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