The journey continues...

By Lbell

New Arrival!

Today was such a nice day in La Paz :) I even got to wear shorts without tights!! We headed out early(for us) to distribute the new magazine to Zona Sur and a few places around the city centre. It was nice to do a bit of exploring for a change and see a change of scenery from our little barrio of Sopocachi.

Whilst in Zona Sur we went to Charlie Papa for another American style meal and some more BBQ sauce...yum!

Later the others went to tango lessons and I decided to give them a miss after feeling like dancing just wasn't for me. Instead I organised a little and prepared the bed for the new intern...Carina, also on her year abroad from Oxford. She arrived around half9 and we all dined together to welcome her.

It was a lovely day/night but very few photos were taken hence the crappy photo of the day!

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