Pob's World

By Pobsworld

Role reversal

Most parents have problems trying to get their children to eat veg, however for me the roles are reversed and I'm having problems trying to get my dad to eat veg!

Had some bad news on Friday, my Dad had a strange sensation in his legs last week but it passed & he ignored it until I persuaded him to go get checked out.
After a series of tests on Friday it looks like he has has had a small stroke. He gets test results tomorrow, but the hospital were pretty certain he has had one.
He's been very lucky indeed in that he doesn't appear to be mentally affected, it's just his balance and co-ordination that are wonky.

After the tests the doctors gave him a list of do's and don'ts, one of which was to get some fresh fruit and veg into himself to make his body stronger. He's determined to take heed of the doctors advice though, as my mum died while she was still quite young after suffering a stroke, so he's seen first hand how things could have been, and how they could still be if he doesn't pay heed to the doctors. So it's bye-bye to the cigarettes, cut the alcohol intake by half & no more pie suppers. Say hello to veg veg and more veg with some fruit thrown in for good measure.

I said I'd help him get some ideas by ploughing through my cookbooks, but it's not an easy task since he only likes cauliflower & brussels sprouts (but doesn't like cabbage which is just a big brussels sprout!)

Soup will be a good start - he makes great lentil soup (which is full of carrot despite him not liking them either!), so have found some other soup recipes too. Have also got some stew recipes, ratatouille, vegetable bakes and mashes. Hopefully those will start him off and he'll learn to love veg, he better do because if he doesn't he'll be getting a parsnip where the sun don't shine - we need him here for a good bit longer yet!

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