Big sky

Another day spent in bed but at least my 2 night shifts are out the way and i can have an evening to relax and a day off tomorrow to get out and about. This was the sky that i woke up to and i just loved the cloud formations, but i didn't hang around outside for too long, it's blinking nippy out there!
I think tonight i'll finish off my chilli with a glass of red, watch a film and then have an early night with my Kindle. I'm loving it and i'm racing through the Millenium trilogy which is great.
Only a couple more day shifts this week and then i've got a long weekend off. I can't wait for Saturday. I'm off to Crufts and will be cheering on Roo who works as a Pets As Therapy (PAT) dog in the same hospital i work at.
Go Roo! :-)

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