
By hazelh

Thank you Blip community

Over the past couple of days I've been working really hard on a presentation that I will be delivering next week. I wanted to include some good pictures to help illustrate my points and turned to members of the Blip community to help me out.

The draft of the presentation is now ready (hurrah!) and so I share the slide that credits all those who have kindly contributed to date - I'm still waiting to hear from one person. Once the presentation is completely finished I'll add the relevant slide numbers at the end of each entry in the list.

I wasn't sure how to format the references, but I think/hope that this layout will be acceptable - both to my audience and those who have helped me.

After I have delivered the presentation I'll provide a link to the full PowerPoint file. If anyone is interested enough to come and hear me speak about social informatics, please feel free to register. It's a free evening event on Thursday 15th March at the Craiglockhart campus of Edinburgh Napier University.

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