Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Side Swoop

Yet another picture of the pretty decorations donned on my lovely walls.

I don't know why, but lately, I have had this new appreciation for birds. Maybe it's the idea of freedom, maybe it's the idea of slight, but all I know is I see wonder and tranquility when I look at my wall.

One more than that, I've found a new appreciation for trees and the natural world. I feel like maybe it comes from my constant blipping, but I do love the look and composition of the wall decoration and all it says or at least all I read into it about nature and the natural order of things.

The birds cannot live without the tree. It is their home, their security, their well-being. And the tree, to some extent cannot live without the bird. It survives because of the pollination, the bird plants the seed.

Living with and surviving with are two very different concepts. I feel as if most of the human race does not see the distinction. Living with something is not a mutual state of mind. We live with trees, and the natural world, but we do not survive with it. We do not subscribe to the plight of the tree or the forest, or the bird. We destroy whatever is inconvenient to us.

We need to change. We need to realize that the tree is there to help our survival and what we need to do in return is help it survive. It is our home, our security, our well-being. It provides the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the supplies we covet.

"Nature has a set balance. Through that balance off, the world is left in chaos."

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