
Now some toilet behaviours are understandable and even under investigation, logical. I understand that some people are chatty in the toilets. Not my cup of tea but others are different. The practice of straddling a number of floor tiles at the urinals (normal stance requires only a one tile straddle, but if there is spillage to be avoided you sometimes need to go to two tile straddling. I think EcoDad even came across a three tiler once.)is explainable by trying to avoid spillage underneath the urinal.

Today however I came across another rather odd practice. Standing at the urinal, doing yer business whilst checking your phone. I mean really, does the world move that fast that it's imperitive that you have one hand aiming yer tadger whilst the other checks messages on your phone?


I've StumbledUpon a 30 day drawing challenge once that gives 30 topics to draw across 30 days. The list has been sitting on my phone for a wee while but I decided to give it a shot yesterday. I've even roped the kids in as well.

You can see the output in this Facebook album.

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