A time for everything

By turnx3


Another hot day, though not as hot as the same date last year when we hit a record for the date of 101F! We did actually get a bit of rain this evening, but not enough to make a difference. The four of us went to church this morning, then after lunch Jen and Jason went downtown to see the Bodies exhibition and Omnimax movie at the museum center. However, having got down there, they discovered it was really busy and there were long lines, so they called us to ask if we could book their tickets on line for later in the afternoon, and then they came home for a bit in the meantime. I was making a dessert for this evening, and later, Roger and I went to the pool to get some exercise. After dinner we watched the closing ceremony from the Olympics. Now its time for bed! Hope you all had a great weekend and the week ahead treats you well.

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