
By SomeGuyInNJ

Phonebook left in the rain

Well thats what happens when they deliver a phonebook in the rain... also not helped by me leaving there a week before picking up either...

They arent allowed to put them in the mailbox so they just dump them on the grass next to it... The mailbox is over the other side of the road so mostly I just pull up next to it and stick my arm out of the car window to get the mail.

ISO 12,800... so a little noisy!

Part of a bucket of backblips...

Sunday 29 January 2012: Tired Kitty
Tuesday 14 February 2012: Product shots for the website
Thursday 16 February 2012: Phonebook left in the rain
Sunday 19 February 2012: There has been a slight delay in making the Hallow
Sunday 26 February 2012: LBG and LM in action...
Wednesday 29 February 2012: Deer in the rain
Sunday 4 March 2012: Crappy light... wheres a 5d Mark III when you need
Monday 5 March 2012: A farm, a church, some rocks and a Long Valley

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