It's unbelievable how much attention the Kony 2012 campaign has attracted in just a few short hours.

Major ideas are going viral quicker and spreading ideas faster than was ever thought conceivable. In the 29:59 it took me to watch that video, the number of views had shot up from about 21k to 60k. That was last night.

Now it's almost 7,500,00.

If the Kony 2012 campaign is news to you, by all means clear out 30min you would otherwise spend doing bull$hit, watch the video, and feel inspired in a way most people seldom do their entire lives.

I for one hope to be in Washington DC on the night of Friday April 20th to take part in Cover the Night, helping to plaster the city with posters so that those that make the decisions won't be able to ignore the issue.

"Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live......"

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