People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Genius at work

Two of my students, Ace and The Mouth, are working their butts off at the studio tonight, along with many others. I am truly blessed to have an opportunity to work with this group again. I taught them twice already: one studio and one lecture class. They have amazing work ethics, and are a wonderfully brainy and cheerful bunch.

I was struck recently by an odd thought: most of university students don't get to experience the unique environment of a design studio. These large rooms are second homes to our students. They have their drafting tables, coffee makers, sofas, refrigerators, computers, and whatever else is needed to do design work, study, and goof off to blow off steam. The studio environment also provides a unique opportunity for people to learn how to get along. Everybody looses it at 3:00 am after staying up for 2 nights straight. It's how you handle it that counts...

I married a fellow landscape architecture student. I went to school with a large number of my closest friends today. We stand in each others' weddings, attend christenings of our kids and get together as often as possible. The studio is a magical place. I hope they see it.

On another note, I'd like to introduce you to a new blipper, ETG. Her journal is titled A new perspective, and I encourage you to check it out. ETG is one of the kindest, most honest, thoughtful, and driven women I know. She is an educator, a serious sportswoman, a cook, a writer, and now a photographer, too. Stop by her journal and say "hi" whenever you have a chance!

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