Due to circumstances beyond my control.......

..... I cannot comment or blip for a bit but Normal(?????) Service will be resumed as soon as poss and I apologise for the lack of response over the last couple of days.

This is due to technical problems i.e my laptop appears to be fucked knackered, busted, deid (scots), confuckulated, ceased to be, knackered, buggered and generally out of whack. This makes me very FF (fucking furious), exasperated, realllllllllllllllly angry, incensed, freaked out, go ape shit, bonkers and invokes GINGER RAGE(not a pretty sight) and in general makes me want to Rage Against The Machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However I'll be back....... ;-)

(If the nice Laptop Doctor man can help me :-( ...........)

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