
What a bloody day! All set to take the littlest monkey to school and the damn car wouldn't start. It wouldn't even so much as turn over. All the lights came on, the stereo started but other than that, it was having none of it. Bloody thing. Now, if we actually lived closer to the school, this wouldn't have been a problem as we could have walked it. However, we live 8 miles away as we chose for all the girls to go to a school outside the catchment area as the ones in our catchment area are, quite frankly, utter shite.

So, apologetic phone call to the school for both of us as I was also meant to be helping out today and frantic call to Mr FS who was at work. Obviously there was nothing he could do right there and then, but he's going to put the battery on charge when he gets home and hopefully that will be the problem sorted. My mil, who we bought the car from, has seen my FB status (not the one about the wellies for any of you that are friends on there!) and just phoned to say that it could be the starter motor as this has happened with it before. Why we weren't told this when we bought the car I have no idea, but there you go. It had better be the battery as I have retail therapy in the city planned for tomorrow!

Rather than sit home and do the wallowing, vegetating, fuming mad thing, I dragged Arwen and the hound and we went off exploring a new footpath. It's been a beautiful day for it and despite getting a soggy foot when we walked across a rather water logged field, it was really fun. We had an impromtu spelling quiz (damn that girl is good) and then when we got home & after lunch, I got her to do some creative writing about a market place (I did suggest the river but she turned her nose up at it) and she'll take that into school on Monday, if the car is working by then.

So, here is the littlest monkey running toward me :)

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