Sobering thoughts!!

So today put things into perspective for me. This morning was spent with my bestie Joey. She had Leukaemia 6 years ago and was very very poorly. Today she told me about how she is doing a sponsored walk with Ian Botham and we looked through some photos that she could use for her Just Giving page of when she was ill, bald and very rashy, she very nearly lost her sight through the treatment. It really upset me listening to her talk, to the point I just burst into tears. She's such an inspirational person, just takes things in her stride and I have often heard her use the phrase "These are the cards I've been dealt with and I'll have to deal with it"

She's been in remission for just over 5 years now and is doing remarkably. She has her off days and we know when they are and we all rally around to give her the support she needs. So when I think about the problems I think I have I only need to look at Joey and realise that actually, things really aren't that bad!

This afternoon after the school run I went with Caroline to our local playbarn whist May went to cooking party, much fun was had by all!!

Hopefully get our car back minus the dented side tomorrow!! Good bye squashed Mini, Hello smaxi!!!

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