Ina's Snippets

By ina


"You don't have to brush your teeth - just the ones you want to keep."

~ Author unknown ~


Some tortures are physical, and some are mental.
But the one that is both is dental.
~Ogden Nash~

Took Jnr1st to the dentist today - he was in pain most of the weekend and had more pain killers than food. He has two more appointments next week to complete the job they started today. I go with him for support, but everytime I see this needle, I wonder why I do it! Anyway - I talk to him while they work on him to distract him a bit, hope it works :)

I find heart-shapes in the most amazing places lately! The first two was in the clouds - I blipped one the other day - and now in my coffee mug!

What does it mean! :) Well, I like it - it puts a bubble in my tummy :)

So while we are on the subject... let me say it!

I love you Blippers!
It's great to be a part of this community :) Thank you for your wonderful support, comments and visits!

Edit: Think the needle can work for the assignment? At the dentist is where the wild things are!

Edit 2: And another heart shows up!! Awesome aeroplane display! Sure this one was for me too ;)


"Most of us can read the writing on the wall;
we just assume it's addressed to someone else."

~ Ivern Ball quotes ~

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