What do you call a collective of Ukuleles?

A Twang? Racket? Din? Who knows. The reason these are all out is because our friend Nick is going to find a nice bit of wood for us to make a hanger for them all. That way they will all be on hand for impromptu sing alongs.

The week so far has been a complete whirl, sort of on the edge of being dreadful but actually we have achieved a massive amount. The team are really starting to gel, we have one confirmed new starter and are interviewing for two other posts....

However the best thing today was Poppy getting a crown at school for maths. Nice work little Popster...

Nick, for info the first Uke is at 10cm, then 25cm between each one the last at 110cm, another 10cm to keep it even so 120cm total.

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