
By Poppy

Broody Bantam

This is Gracie, the one surviving bantam crossbreds and she is a bit of a madam! Recently there have been less eggs than usual, but I put it down to the hens starting to moult, the weather, just one of those things etc. Then madam didn't appear for food. I looked about for her but she then turned up, perfectly ok, so I didn't worry.

At the weekend I did a thorough clean out of the hen house and the pulled up some nettles etc to tidy up the area round the house. Under the nest box overhang I found a lovely snug, cosy nest, hidden within a big clump of nettles, with 14 - yes, 14, eggs in it! I took all but 3 away and today there she was, sitting on them, looking pretty indignant about the missing ones! The last thing I want at the moment is a brood of baby chicks and I doublt whether they will be viable anyway, as the cockerel is old and lame and my neighbour, Northern's man, reckons he's a bit of a fop and a dandy anyway! So, I have taken the rest of the eggs away and will be keeping an eye on her and her nesting activities!

I find it all a bit sad, I know she is just going along with her instinct, but I do keep her for her egg laying abilities! Am going to have to hard boil an egg for her to sit on, mark it, and leave it with her and she can keep it if I can take the fresh ones. Either that or find someone who wants a broody hen . . . . Any takers?

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