Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


I'm finding it a lot harder to think of ideas and being happy with what I come up with. Today has been one of those days where I've wanted to do something creative and memorable but nothing came to me at all so we end up here! Simple shot of a glass in front of a pattern on the computer screen. Sadly, it's the best I can come up with tonight. I'm very tired.

I got my results today from my January exams and I got 4 A*'s and 2 A's. I'm happy but feel I could've done better in my English (the 2 A's). I'm probably being too hard on myself and should be much more grateful for what I have. Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon with my marks and had to do a double take at my Physics grade but always the perfectionist, I wish I could do better. However, the past is done and it's the results in August that matter the most!

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