
Our wine shelf is somewhat empty after the festivities of Christmas and New Year. Not any longer, this delivery was made today and the shelf is looking very healthy again!

We've had a busy fun day and I'm annoyed that I didn't take any other photos. We went to soft play this morning with Kerr's friends C, J, N and H and their mummies. It was Playsport in EK where there is a huge and quite fast pink slide. Me and I one of the other non pregnant mums took the little ones down it a few times. Great fun was had by all.

We then went to H's house for lunch which was nice. Kerr and H played well together while we chatted and speculated about when H's mummy's new baby will arrive - she is now two days overdue, exciting times! Another friend was there with her new baby boy M. He was quite content and barely woke up at all when we were there.

In the afternoon we went to visit Gran and Grandpa. Grandpa kindly walked Fudge for us while we helped Gran make the dinner.

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