Green Eyes

The eyes those silent tongues of love.
Miguel de Cervantes

Everyone in this house has green eyes.

Now, I'm in the business of unabashed bragging as an Auntie. Even going as far as nipping photographs from a facebook link sent to me by ~gj after his special day today at Queen Mary, University of London. He's a Drama and Performance Master's Degree student there since last September. Today, he and his fellow students performed for HRH, Princess Anne. I come from a long line of Royal watchers, so my mother & grandmother must be smiling from above. G projected some photographs of my grandmother during his portion of the performance, so she must be really beaming. This photograph of the event should be credited to Lloyd Sturdy, the official photographer of the day...sorry sir, but I had to nip it. G is on the far left, in black.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and cloudy. Off to painting, Ts working from home and G has had a big day in London.

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