
By rat


A whole year of blipping with no missing days - it's hard to believe it!
When thinking what to do for the 365 I decided it had to be a flower from the garden as I had set myself a challenge to photograph all the different flowers in a year. I'm not sure how many there have been in the year but a rough reckoning would be somewhere near 365 I think (it would take too long to count them all).
This is the latest addition to the garden, I couldn't resist buying it as the colouring is delightful and hellebores are such interesting plants. I had several pics of it and had to compare the pic with the plant to make sure I got the most accurate one - and this is it.
I've really enjoyed my year on Blip, it's a great community. There are some wonderful photographers out there, both in the quality of their pics and their encouraging comments, thanks to you all.
I've no plans on stopping blipping but will see how things go.

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