michigan man

By outdoorguy


I dun got woked up this mornin (3:11 a.m.) by a sour tummy. ( Sometimes I revert back to my Kentucky roots.) I knowed it tweren't nuttin I had et, so it had to be them there anti botics that the doc give me. (Enough of Kentucky.) Antibiotics don't like me, and I don't care much for them, either. Plus, my arm is sore from the tetanus shot!

Physical problems aside...nothing is going to bother me today...because it is my BLIP BIRTHDAY!!!

367 days ago...my wife and I were foolishly waiting for 45 minutes to get into a garage sale. Unreal! The saving grace was being able to talk to Susan (lifenaturally.) She found out how many pictures I took, and wrote down the e-mail address for Blipfoto. She told me to check it out.

I did. As Sgt. Klink used to say..."Veeery inteeeeresting!"I tried to comment on one of her pictures, but was informed I had to join. "NOOO!" Too scary. I finally joined, but for a couple of days...I still wouldn't post. More nerve arrived, and I put on a roseate spoonbill as my first picture. Still scary.

A year goes by, and here we are. My dear wife, and my dear friend (naturelover) bought me a membership...so I'm in (Kentucky again)...whole hog.

One of my many pictures on todays blip is the top of a wind weathervane...Florida style. I don't know in which direction I will go. I like to think that at this time next year...I'll be posting #730. But, somedays...as all of you know...it's hard to get motivated with the camera...sometimes you struggle with subject matter, and sometimes the brain just doesn't want to engage.

I do love this site. The chance to see other peoples homelands without ever even getting a passport. Plus, the creativity, and peoples talents are astounding. The human brain needs to keep learning, and you can always learn something on this site on a daily basis...camera-wise, or about life.


One of the greatest things to come out of this year and this site is the meeting of new friends. It's an odd feeling because they are probably friends that you are never going to actually meet...but there is a closeness there that is hard to explain.

Using the main pelican in my picture as an example...I lift my "wings"to you in a standing ovation, and give you many thanks for my daily inspiration!

Make sure to click on LARGE. (One of these days I'll learn how to link.) It's a pretty busy picture!!

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