I Miss My Cats

We were treated to a visit to the North Breakwater down at the harbor, Ceridwen & I were. Her old friend C. has access to it, but it is closed off to the public. One great use he makes of the breakwater is to let his two Labradors, Zorro & Mole, step into Dog Heaven.

It's a mile long and one side of it has a wide promenade for the whole length. That's where the dogs race alongside the car with their tails and ears flapping in the sea breeze. This captures the occasion better than a close shot of their two happy faces.

They are two gorgeous black creatures, as are my two cats Carlo & Max, who wait for my return across the pond. It was impossible for me to meet these dogs today without thinking of my boys. I miss their kid sister Laura Earle too. Here's my favorite picture of all three.

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