
My very favourite story is The Three Little Pigs. Mum and Dad bought an app for the iPad that's a new version of it, published by a company called Nosy Crow. I love it and have played it over and over and over. They do other stories too, and Mum said I can get new ones as rewards for being a good girl.

Apps are great, and I love playing on the iPad, but I still like books too. I have my own library card and I get books home from nursery too. I like to choose my own books. This is one that I chose. I recognised the pictures as being like the Gruffalo. But when I opened the book, I saw the Nosy Crow. I pointed it out to Mum and said, "look, the Three Little Pigs." So I knew it was going to be a good book!

Aren't we lucky, being able to get stories in so many different ways!

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