stoorie it's the polis!

it is indeed the police who, moments before this was taken had stopped to give me a quick grilling. in fairness this was one of the most simple and pleasant questionings I have had so far. they had actually gone past me 3 times before deciding to pull over and find out what the loon in shorts was photographing a silly o'clock in the morning. i said that it would be easier to show him and when he saw the shots he said "cool" and went on his way. so when they took of i had hoped that the blue light would appear as a solid beam but alas it was not to be. still in honour of the nice policeman i went with this..........a better one can be found here.

been a really busy visit with not much time to spare but thankfully Mr 42 made it through to edina for a quick lunch. this also gave me the chance to finally meet Mrs 42, which i have to say was a real pleasure it was and she is a lovely woman................this does of course beg the question, "what is she doing with him?" ;-) you know i jest mate.

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