Isn't she clever????????????/

We put Jessica in pants on Thursday and took the nappies/pull ups away. Thursday and Friday were a bit of a "puddle" but today I think we are away!! She still says no when you ask her if she needs the toilet but we have had no accidents all day today.

Megan and Daddy went to get Megan and "very early" birthday present... a new bike. After Easter P5 are learning cycle skills at school and the bike Megan had did not fit her any more so her birthday is just coming a little early this year!!

Johnny went to the Transport Museum with Papa today and he loved it. We will take all of the kids over the Easter hols.

Katie and Jessica stayed with Mummy and Granny just to make sure that Jessica is properly going with this toilet thing!!

Quiet night tonight and we will take all the kids out on their bikes tomorrow after we have collected Megans new one.

I wonder how the blipfest is getting on in Edinburgh - is it messy yet????

Have a great night


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