A small package was the only item in the post today.

First of all, my apologies for my absence. I hadn't been abducted by aliens, as one regular visitor had speculated (cheeky bugger!). The break has been useful for me personally, with time taken to sort of various issues that have required attention for too long. The reality being, I need to spend less time on here, and be less sociable. Please don't take it personally! During the intervening period I have been taking at least one shot every day, so the gaps should be filled.

Back to today's Blip, and ramble:

On Monday I sent off a film for processing, and here were the results returned. Much faster than expected. The first film I've used for several years, and the first black & white film in almost twenty years. Sure film lacks digital's immediacy, but then there's that sense of nervous excitement when they arrive, as to how all those shots you took will turn out. There are also the suprises - those shots you took ages ago, and had completely forgotten about. The sense of nervousness was compounded by wondering about those days I only took a single photo, "Will it turn out okay for the only possible Blip?" Gulp!

Some serious amount of back-Blipping starts from here forwards. There'll still be more back-Blips to follow. They're on the next film...

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