snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


(catch up #5, i added everything from aug 19th today)

On Monday we packed our car and the dog (after the vet visit) and started an epic journey from Denmark to Calais...

On the way we did a detour on the Shleswig coast, to find a little town called Simonsberg. Mr Curious' great great grandfather had lived there prior to migrating to America.

It was a tiny bundle of houses, many old and many still with thatched roof. We walked along the dike and watched the sheep which seems the only agriculture they can have on what must really be salt marshes but seem to need constant digging of channels to pull the water out (actually just on the north side they are trying to let the salt marshes come back as part of a national park programme).

It was a rather bleak landscape, beautiful for holidays but I would hate to have to make a living off it.

I saw that parked digger and there was this sheep using it to scratch its bottom. I couldnt resist.

After this we had lunch at an old roadstop (food was surprisingly good), then drove, and drove, and drove. Plenty of stops to rest and let the dog out (she was very good), 2 traffic jams (one of which seemed to have the entire population of belgium in it, how else could you have a traffic jam for 1 hour at 11pm on a Monday?)

Tomorrow we cross back to the UK.

The drive did make one point clear to me - I feel more at home on the continent...

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