Melanie Philpott

By melaniephilpott


This is a monumental day. In a small way. Finally my apartment block has the full complement of recycling facilities available to every other household in the bay. Well hurrah. Today I came home to a small bin for our food waste outside my door. I hope it's a well-sealing box otherwise the flat is going to honk. Looking at the big black bin outside Tor2 (the waste management people in the bay) have done half a job. They've forgotten to stick a label on it so some people here have assumed it's just the same as the other black bins and are slowly filling it with cardboard. You'd think they'd realise it's actually for the food waste what with the leaflet we received saying so but.... Now do I wait to see how long it takes for Tor2 to realise or will I email them and ask them to send a sticker? Hm.

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