
By JillyMint

Sunrise down Ironbridge Gorge

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Yawn - oops sorry! I've been up early today to have another go at sunrise in the Gorge. Spur of the moment decision when I woke at 5am and looked out of the window.
Still not the 'bridge on fire' that I was hoping for but a golden glow nonetheless. I don't have any filters that fit my current system so bracketed madly. I'm not sure I have got the processing right but it is the best I can do for now. I think I'm pleased with it (and have left the flare there on purpose; might try and remove later to see if it is better).
Came back via a farmer's market and am nipping out again now to meet some friends for the afternoon. I'll see you later. x

Oh - why not try the caption competition? Entries on this page!

Canon 1D Mk IV; 65mm; ISO200; f/8; 1/800"

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