Red Squirrel


I'll Bee Back ...

See as a BIGGER BEE.

I'd planned yesterday to blip the tri-colour crocus I'd wanted to use when it came into flower, which it has. But I ended up blipping the bee instead, and planned to do the crocus today. Sadly when I looked this morning something has eaten most of the petals on my beautiful crocus! so now I have to wait for others of the same type to open :((
However, I later discovered that my laid-back bee from yesterday seemed to have returned and brought a couple of his mates with him (or her) - there were 2 on the Hellebore and 1 on an adjacent daffodil. All 3 seemed equally laid-back - so I had a bee-snapping fest again. I did notice that all 3 had the small brownish 'blobs' on the side of their necks - I can't help wonder if these are the mites which have been decimating our honey-bee population over the last few years, destroying their immune systems - and if indeed they affect other types of bee too - it could well explain their lethargy (I did see another bee nearby which seemed full of energy). It's sad if that is the case.
So for the second day in a row, a bee is my blip.
Hope it's been a good weekend for all in blipland! xx

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