Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Lovely day!

The weather has been gorgeous today! Neil has tidied and trimmed the garden as well as cleaning the barbecue so hopefully we'll be able to use it again soon.

Henry has had 2 long naps today, for a total of almost 5 hours! Either he's ill or growing, not sure which yet. His top right tooth is coming through, I can see it just under the gum so I think it will be here in a day or so. Thats going to be fun when he's feeding until he gets used to it - I'm already wincing at the thought!

Henry had his last swimming lesson of the term today - he couldn't go under water because he's had a cold, but he was very smiley with lots of kicking and splashing anyway!

Today's blip is Henry with one of his new toys from the nearly new sale last week. He spends more time chewing on the lid but occasionally he empties it all over the floor.

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