
This is more a picture of church than this was - this is the church, the other was just the building. These are most of our regulars so you can see there aren't exactly hundreds of us, but a great bunch of faith-filled people.
Why extend the building for so few? To serve the community. To give room for growth.
This is everybody who was at our first service back in our extended building - all except me. Forgot tripod. I have a photo with me in it, taken by Callum (sitting on the railings on the left in this one) but I'd rather blip Callum than me.
The thumbnail features 95 year old Emily.

Quite a day as we got the news in the afternoon from jt that Jemma has presented him with his first son and our third grandson.
Update - the grandbaby has a name: Daniel Alastair.

Spent most of a sunny afternoon on my bike - one of those days when you just want to go on and on. Much better than the alternative which would have been watching Dundee United v Celtic in the Scottish Cup. Less said about that the better.

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