Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Spring has sprung

First warm and sunny weekend day that we have had nothing planned, so a day in the garden it was, although Mummy spent her time running in and out of the kitchen to watch the World indoors.

Grass/moss got cut, raised beds got weeded and mulched. The whole of the long flower bed got weeded and pruned. My magnolia finally got planted, fingers crossed I have done it correctly.

The kids played together really well, most of the time. They really enjoyed giving their swings a proper washdown with sponges and soapy water. They played at 'cars', Carys in the cosy coupe and Will following behind on his balance bike. Chased each other with their 'Snakes' (long pieces of brown paper from the packaging in Amazon parcels) and dug in their bit of the garden.

A very nice Sunday, hopefully many more to come this summer.

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