a new year!

By Thesalh70

Back on the bike!

woke at 4am which is pants for a sunday! was awake for about an hour and then dozed back off. some random programmes are on at that hour! up at 7.30am and greeted by warm sunshine and a cloudless blue sky, so sat outside with a cuppa. checked in at no.49, and started painting ceilings. that is without doubt the most boring (and painful) painting job. got a call from mum though who was ill, and needed me to take her to NHS drop in place. all sorts in there. back home after a couple of hours, and visited reclaimers yard with my fireplace, to progress the work. then into work to pick up my bike (which has been there since last sept!) and then cycled home in the sunshine, via the canals. gorgeous day for it. my fitness is rubbish though, need to sort that! aimed to get home for six, just before sunset. the warm sunshine had dragged allsorts out down by the canal....flip flops, vest tops, shorts, and the lovely smell of the first BBQ's of 2012! back home, fed and watered, now much needed bath with Radox muscle therapy!!

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