A MIMent In Time

By justmim

'Oh help me understand it...

...help me to take it in-
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
To bear away my sin'

-Katherine Kelly-Give Me a Sight O Saviour

'Living the cross centered life' by C.J Mahaney is a book I had been reading through November/December time. Easy to pick up and hard to put back down I powered through it quicker than I had any time to reflect on it. The busy-ness of life eventually got in the way and it was relegated to a shelf along with books once started in good intentions! This week I decided to pick it up again and start afresh-glad I did. Between yesterday's girls' study, this book and tonight's sermon on Galatians, it has been wonderful to be reminded of the unfathomable greatness of the cross :-)

The gospel-let us never add to it, or move on from it but hold onto it.

Fab day :-) 2 great sermons, good friends and time to pause.

'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...'

Tomorrow, a productive day of essay writing is planned!

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