The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Paolo and Francesca

The Child: So, where are we going, old lady?
Me: Gradara, to see the castle, it's famous.
The Child: Oh? Why?
Me: Well, when you do Dante, which you will as it's unavoidable, you will learn all about Paolo and Francesca...Not Paolo and Francesca who live round the corner, these ones died in the 13th century.
The Child: Did you know them?
Me: I'm old, but not *that* old...
The Child: But you will be...So, how did they die?
Me: Well, Paolo married Francesca and she was very happy, because he was a handsome young man, but they weren't really married. In those days, people could marry people for someone else, it's called proxy. Anyway, the next day, Francesca found out that she wasn't really married to the handsome brother, but to the ugly one, with the gammy leg.
The Child: What's 'gammy'?
Me: He had a bit of a limp, sorry about that. Gammy is *not* a useful word.
The Child: And then what?
Me: Francesca fell in love with Paolo and he fell in love with her, so they used to meet in the library in secret and kiss. Then one day, Francesca's husband, Paolo's brother, came home, caught them having a big snog and ran them through with his sword.
The Child: What does that mean? [giggles, as I mime vicious stabbing by poking her in the leg with my finger]
Me: And there you have it. I suppose the lesson there is do not snog your brother's wife if you know your brother has a long sword and a bad temper.
Oh and a new word: 'uxoricide', it means 'wife killer'. Can you say that?
The Child: Uxoricide. [Thinks a minute and laughs] Good job you're not married, old lady!

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